"This program is supported in part by a grant from the Lakeville Arts Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency."
Tuesday, February 22nd at 6:30
on Zoom
Sign Me Up!
Join us for a rollicking good time at Disney Trivia Night!!!
Play as a family or individually all you need to play is one computer/tablet/smart phone to join the Zoom meeting and one smart phone/tablet to play the game. (You can technically use one device, but we strongly suggest using two for maximum enjoyment)
“Virtual doors” to the waiting room will open 10 minutes prior to the start of the game and the game will begin at 6:30.
Although it’s not mandatory, the Trivia Brothers suggest joining the meeting with video on so they can interact with you!
Once Trivia Night officially begins, the Trivia Brothers will instruct the players on how to join the game using their smart phones or tablets (There is no special app needed to play, just a website)