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Lakeville Public Library painting

4 Precinct St. | Lakeville, MA 02347
Phone: 508-947-9028 | Fax: 508-923-9934

Information about Re-Opening

The Lakeville Public Library has resumed regular hours.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday | 10am - 8pm
Wednesday:| 10am - 6pm
Saturday | 10am - 2pm
Friday & Sunday | CLOSED

As of 5/26/21:

We are working with local officials on the final phase of our reopening plan and hope to begin resuming normal library operations throughout the month of June.  Our existing Covid protocols, including requiring the use of face coverings in the building and the currently available services will remain in place until further notice.  In library seating will be available after June 7th. We are not accepting room reservations at this time.  

Occupancy Capacity

In compliance with the state guidelines, only 35 patrons will be allowed in the building at one time.  If we have reached capacity, there will be a marked waiting area outside.

Patrons will be asked to keep their visits to under 1 hour.

The Children's Room will be restricted to 12 people at a time.


Expanded services:

Browsing and checking out of library materials
Self check-out station
Printing, scanning, copying 
Public computers (45 minute time limit)
In-person technology help (with social distance)
In-person library card registration (also available online)
Fax Service 
Mobile printing 
Local history collection (by appointment)
Holds on items from outside of SAILS (ComCat)
Donating items for the book sale
Browsing the Friends’Book Nook
Museum passes
Public Restrooms

Continued services:

Curbside pickup service
Book Bundles for children
Holds on items from other libraries in SAILS
Online resources and virtual programs
Returning materials in our exterior bookdrop
WiFi in the parking lot
In-library seating
Study tables and carrels
Large Meeting room
Quiet Study rooms
In-person programming (virtual programs available)
Children’s toys
Water fountain

Keeping Each Other Safe

Wearing a mask is required to enter the library. We will wear masks to protect you and we ask that you do the same. Per the Governor’s Executive Order, this applies to all people over the age of two. For everyone’s safety, please bring and properly wear a mask the entire time you’re in the library. Curbside pickup will be available for anyone who chooses not to enter the building or who cannot wear a mask.

Keeping the building clean and safe is our top priority! During your visit, you’ll notice plastic barriers at the service desks, markers on the floor for waiting in line, and a reconfigured furniture layout. All seating has been removed, and tables are being used as displays to spread out our materials and allow more space for browsing.

Our maintenance staff will routinely disinfect high-touch areas and restrooms. Hand sanitizer will be available at all service desks, self-check station, copier, printer and other areas. Please use these as you touch materials in the building. 

We are trying not handle cash at this time, so we ask you to bring small bills/exact change if you need to pay for printing, copying or fax service.  Contactless payment is preferred.  Ask us about adding any fees to your library card for payment online.

Computer Use

A limited number of computers (4) will be available for 45 minute sessions in the adult section of the library.  These computers can be used by all ages. Computers in the Children’s Room and Young Adult Area will not be available.  Please check in at the Circulation Desk to reserve use of a computer. Keyboards and mice will be swapped out and cleaned between users.  Please bring your own headphones, as we cannot loan headphones during this time.

Returning Items, Due Dates & Donations

All library items should be returned to our outdoor book drop.  To ensure safety, items will be quarantined for 7 days before being checked-in.  You will see these items on your library account until they come out of quarantine. No overdue fines will be levied during this time.  We will back-date all returns according to our quarantine schedule.

We are accepting donations at this time.  We ask that you bring no more than one bag at a time, as we do not have much storage space available to quarantine these items before they can be handled by the Friends of the Library.  If you have boxed items, you will need to make an appointment with the Library Director to review the items outside before we can accept.
Curbside Pickup/Outdoor Service

Our curbside service will continue for pick-up of available holds and book bundles.  We can also handle faxing or mobile printing pickups through the book drop repository if you choose not to enter the building or cannot wear a mask. Please call to schedule an appointment.  Appointments scheduled as staff are available.

 Other Safety Protocols

Patrons are expected to follow these guidelines to ensure safety of staff and other patrons:

  • Do not enter the library if you currently have or recently had a fever, cough, shortness of breath or are feeling unwell.
  • Wear face covering while inside the library.
  • Keep your hands clean.
  • Maintain a distance of at least 6ft from others. 
  • Do not congregate, gather or loiter in the library.
Closing the Library

In the event of reduced staffing levels, a local outbreak or as otherwise directed by the Board of Health/Town or State Governance, the Library may be forced to close for a period of time, reduce operating hours and/or limit services.  All closings will be communicated to the public as quickly as possible.