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Donating Books

Thank you for thinking of the library!

Library staff make the decisions whether to add
donated materials to our collection or give
them to the Friends of the Lakeville Library to
raise money for the library.

Frequently Asked Questions about Donations

Who will take my book donations?

The Lakeville Public Library; books not used for the Library’s collection are donated to
the Friends of the Lakeville Library.

Where can I donate books?

Please bring materials inside to the staff at the library located at 4 Precinct St in Lakeville.

When can I donate books?

During library hours. Please do not leave materials outside, or put them in the book

What types of items can I donate?

We accept books, CDs and DVDs in good condition.
(Please no VHS, magazines or encyclopedias).

Who will use the items I donate?

New items in excellent condition will be considered for addition to the library’s collection. Those that cannot be used by the library will be donated to the Friends of the Lakeville Library.

How do the Friends of the Lakeville Library use items I donate?

The Friends sell donated items in their book room or at special book sales throughout
the year. They return all proceeds to the library for the purchase of library materials,
equipment and furnishings or to fund various library programs and projects.

Who benefits from my donations?

The Lakeville Public Library.

Support the Library

4 Precinct St. | Lakeville, MA 02347
Phone: 508-947-9028 | Fax: 508-923-9934