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Lakeville Public Library painting

Monetary Gifts

Support the Library

4 Precinct St. | Lakeville, MA 02347
Phone: 508-947-9028 | Fax: 508-923-9934
General Donations

If a donor wishes to make a monetary contribution to the Library, checks should be made payable to the Lakeville Public Library and mailed to 4 Precinct St. Lakeville, MA 02347.

The Library is not able to accept electronic forms of payment at this time.  

The Library Director will keep a record of the gift and send the donor a letter of acknowledgment. 

If the gift is being sent in honor/memory of someone, and you would like us to notify the family of your gift, please include a note with the name and address of the family.

All funds received as gifts are deposited into the Library's Gift Account (held by the Town Treasurer) and expended by the Library Director with the approval of the Library Board of Trustees.  

Buy a Bookplate

The Lakeville Library is now offering a great opportunity to honor or remember a loved
one and at the same time benefit our library community. For a tax deductible donation
of $25 (minimum), the Library will place a bookplate in a new book to be added to the
Library's collection.

The bookplate will bear your name and that of the individual or the group you wish to
recognize. You will receive an acknowledgment and a letter will be sent to the honoree
or family. Use it for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, in memory of, in honor of, or just

Mail or drop off this form with payment to the library.